Biking the South Rim

5 Blogs about Full-Time Travel You Don’t Want to Miss

Taking the leap into full-time travel can be daunting. Just figuring out the logistics can quickly start to feel so overwhelming and intimidating that you may be tempted to throw your hands in the air and stay put. For me, one of the things that made the transition easier was to seek inspiration and insight from other seasoned travelers. With that in mind, I’d like to share several other blogs that have made a big difference in our own travel experience:

5 Great Blogs about Living Life on the Road:


Chris Dunphy & Cherie Ve Ard are pros at location-independent living and maintain one of the most in-depth blogs about full-time travel. In addition to sharing their own travel stories, they cover just about every major topic – from health insurance to mobile technology and internet services. They’re a great resource for figuring out how to make the leap to a mobile lifestyle.

Gone with the Wynns

After years on the road, these folks have transitioned to the high-seas and are currently exploring the world aboard a swanky catamaran. Their site is a trove of detailed articles covering a wide-range of RV and boat related topics. I’ve really appreciated their deep-dives into things like RV solar and how to make money and travel.


Way before Instagram hashtags were even a thing, the members of this family were already pros at vanlife. In addition to offering always-entertaining and insightful social-media posts, their site has a plethora of useful information about how to navigate the ins and outs of life on the road.

Legal Nomads

Jodi Ettenburg is a lawyer turned food writer/ consultant/ digital nomad who has been traveling internationally for over 9 years. In addition to being a source for very well-written and engaging travel stories, she’s also put together a very thorough resource list for digital nomads that’s immensely helpful if you’re trying to figure out remote professional options.

Road It Up

Originally from Canada, this family of five has been traveling across North America in their Wanderlodge bus with a Westy in tow for years. Besides featuring inspiring photography that will make you want to ride off into the sunset tomorrow, their site offers a very candid look at what it’s like to live, work, and raise a family from the road while maintaining a variety of interests (mountain biking, rock climbing, mixology, etc.).

Know of another great travel blog? Share it in the comments section!



Travel Inspiration:

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